Amendment #4 to Choropleth Maps with Excel: Map Templates for Romania and England
It turned out to be choropleth map summer here on Clearly and Simply. Originally I planned to have only two posts on choropleth maps with Microsoft Excel here and here.
Surprisingly the templates were very well received by the readers: I have noticed an unusual high amount of page views and downloads. Some readers obviously took the templates like a duck to water, produced their own maps and were kind enough to allow me to share the workbooks here (see Paulo’s map of Portugal and Gabriel’s map of Brazil).
Jeff Weir, member of the month in July 2009 over at Chandoo's blog, wrote a thorough, inspiring and funny guest post called We can’t cure cancer, but we can cure this medicare chart [Chart Busters]. Jeff obviously doesn’t like Choropleth Maps very much (and mentions a couple of good reasons in his text), but he was kind enough to include a link to my article Choropleth Maps with Excel. Many thanks, Jeff.
Furthermore, other bloggers recently published new templates:
Fabrice Rimlinger (of Sparklines for XL fame) posted a map template of Romania and Phil Quinn offered a map of England by ceremonial counties for free download.
Many thanks to Fabrice and Phil.
Many thanks again go also to Tushar Mehta who made all these choropleth map templates possible by sharing his brilliant idea here.
I have to admit that I am not using choropleth maps very often for my own work. However, because of the great response I received from all of you, I decided to stick to this topic a little longer: I am planning to publish another 2 or 3 posts on choropleth maps during the next weeks, before we will continue with new ideas, dashboards and visualizations here on Clearly and Simply in September.
Stay tuned.