How to display a Choropleth Map of the United States by County for one user-selected state
If you are a regular reader of this blog, you certainly know that I am into geographical data visualization. Just click on “Choropleth Maps” in the Categories roll on the right side of the blog and you will see that we already had 18 (!) posts in this category. Some of them discussing maps in Tableau, but most of them dealing with the question how to implement Choropleth Maps or Cartograms in Microsoft Excel.
I thought I would be through with this topic. I really did. However, I recently noticed that there is one common use case for Choropleth Maps in Excel I never wrote about: visualizing one user-selected region of a bigger map. Imagine you have geographical data with a hierarchy, e.g. USA by state and county (to state the obvious for the majority of my readers). It may well be that one of your dashboards is focused on displaying views for one selected state only.
Now, what if one of your views shall be a Choropleth Map? How can you show only the selected part of a map on your dashboard?
Today’s post describes three different options how to do this. As always, the example Excel workbooks are provided for free download without any password protection.
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