Variations of the Alternative Bullet Graph Design: Visualization of Gaps and Exceedances, two Targets and two Gaps, conditionally formatted Actuals and dynamically sorted Multiple Rows Bullet Graphs
One of the previous posts presented An Alternative Design of Bullet Graphs: no qualitative ranges, additional data labels and a visualization of the performance gap.
These ideas can be taken a few steps further:
- Bullet Graphs with a generalized visualization of the deviation of actual from target: display the gap, if actual is smaller than target and the exceedance otherwise
- Bullet Graphs with two targets
- Bullet Graphs with two targets and two gaps
- Bullet Graphs with a conditionally formatted actual bar
- Multiple rows Bullet Graphs in alternative design
- Dynamically sorted multiple rows Bullet Graphs
Today’s posts presents this set of possible variations of the alternative Bullet Graph design. As always, the article includes a link to download the Microsoft Excel template workbook for free.
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