6 (+1) tips how to mitigate some of the disadvantages of Choropleth Maps in Microsoft Excel
We already had a couple of articles on Choropleth Maps, either using Microsoft Excel or Tableau. To be honest, I was really surprised how well these posts were received by our readers. The workbook provided for download with the first article Choropleth Maps with Excel is still in undisputed first place of all downloads here on Clearly and Simply. Thus, there was quite an avalanche of posts and comments on this topic and – despite the fact that I promised to stop posting on Choropleth Maps several times before - I announced at the end of the latest article that I am having left one ace up my sleeve regarding Choropleth Maps. Here it is and it will definitely be the last one:
Already back in September last year, Lavih sent me an email including a map template of Argentina based on Gabriel’s implementation using transparencies. With the first email Lavih asked me for an easy way to let the user change the basic fill color of the map. Over a couple of weeks we emailed back and forth and together we developed some ideas on how to improve Choropleth Map visualizations with Microsoft Excel, far beyond only changing the basic fill color.
Today’s post provides 6 (+1) tips on how to spice up your Choropleth Map visualizations using Microsoft Excel, as always including the workbooks for free download.
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